2010年3月27日 星期六


昨天看到 Justin 的文章《建立優良爵士樂手「的三個習慣」》, 裡面提到要多聽各種合弦的聲音, 聽久了自然就能分辨它們的差異。前陣子和 Scott  聊到英聽的事, Scott 說, 若我已能讀懂文字內容, 認得大部份的字彙, 應該能聽懂才對。我才想起這兩者的相似處, 對照最近練英聽的狀況, 歸納出一件事: 同一單字我聽的次數太少, 無法即時將它的聲音對映到單字。

像今早聽《原聲視頻:布林道出谷歌退出中國背後的故事》, 不看字幕聽個兩三遍只能聽懂常用字和一些關鍵字, 像是 "Sergey", "Google", "censorship", "China", 其它少見的字就沒聽出來。但對照字幕聽時, 整串看 (聽) 下來卻沒什麼問題。

幾年前曾聽 Justin 提過練耳力的事, 把每個合弦當成一個音來記, 可惜一直沒實行這事。最近兩件事湊在一起, 我更相信不管是練英聽還是練音感, 多聽熟記是必要的路。要花更多時間打好基本功。

2 則留言:

  1. When I last worked for a big multinational, my ability to communicate clearly in regular conference calls with colleagues from the US, Russia, India, Finland and Taiwan was key in my relatively quick climb up the engineering career track.

    Verbal English communication will be more important to you if you work as an engineer instead of an academic in the future.

  2. I guess it's also important for an academic job. Researchers need to attend many conferences to build up relationships with others.

    It seems like that I should pay more time on practicing English as learning engineering and academic skills. Ummm, time is always not enough.
